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Mindfulness Meditation

Finding peace with our changing and complex human experience.

Mindfulness Meditation is a practice that connects you to your inner life with curiosity and compassion.

Often when people are interested in Mindfulness Meditation, it is because something inside of us is hard to be with, overwhelming or we are uncertain how to relate to our human experience.

Being mindful means taking an intentional pause to slow down and notice what is happening inside of you. It is time that invites you to come into contact with how life reveals itself in your mind, body & heart. 

The journey of slowing down and coming into contact with your inner life through Mindfulness Meditation is a gentle, curious and compassionate way of being honest, relating to and understanding yourself sincerely. 

Private sessions draw on Internal Family Systems, yogic philosophy and psycho-spiritual inquiry. Depending on your intentions and hopes, there are many ways to explore and relate to your inner life. This can be done through breathing practices, self-reflection, guided relaxation or ‘parts work’ that explores sensations, beliefs & feelings.

Mindfulness Meditation orients us towards self-compassion and understanding.

Mindfulness Meditation rates are $125 per 50 minute session.

The office is located inside Bethlehem Church @ 9401 S. Oakley Ave. 2nd Floor. Appointments are available in person or via Zoom on Thursdays.

Email to Set Up Appointment

“When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love.”